Summer Night Camp Team Info

Dates: June 24–28, 2024
Time: 6:15pm–9:15pm
Location: Valley Bible Church

Dive into adventure during this fin-tastic week of fun where kids will deepen their relationship with God and learn what living water is all about! Come be a part of our team to help kids know and love Jesus! If you have questions, check the position descriptions below or email us at [email protected].
I'm ready! sign me up!

Available Positions
(click for description)
CREW Leader/Asst Crew Leader
YOUTH Crew Leader Assistant (see Crew Leader description)
GAMES Leader/Asst
MISSIONS Leader/Asst
SING & PLAY Leader/Asst
PRESCHOOL Director/Asst


Contact us

Andrea Hazel
VBC KIDS Director 
x128 or [email protected]

Sandy Ormeo
Admin Asst for VBC Kids
x126 or [email protected]

Position Descriptions

Crew Leader
Here’s the fun stuff you’ll do!
• Start your adventure at a special mandatory team training meeting.
• Attend Summer Night Camp each day. (You know that will be great!)
• Arrive early to greet Crew members each day.
• Love and pray for your crew
• Participate in the fun activities
• Make sure your group participates and is quiet and attentive when they need to be.
• Build relationships with your group of three to six elementary-age kids to show them God’s love.
Crew Leader Assistant
Here’s the fun stuff you’ll do!
• Start your adventure at a special team training meeting.
• Attend Summer Night Camp each day. (You know that will be great!)
• Arrive early to greet Crew members each day.
• Love and pray for your crew
• Encourage kids and participate in fun activities
• Make sure your group participates and is quiet and attentive when they need to be.
• Build relationships with your group of three to six elementary-age kids while showing them God’s love.
• Be a friend and helper to the kids and the Crew Leader
• Help children complete activities
• Get down on the floor to interact with children
• Encourage, help, and pray for your leader 
Imagination Station Leader
Here’s the fun stuff you’ll do!
• Start your adventure at a special team training meeting.
• Become familiar with the helpful material in the Imagination Leader Pack.
• Try out the activities ahead of time...yay!
• Decorate your room with provided materials and set up your Station for each day according to the manual
• Make sure you have all the listed supplies for your activities the week before camp begins.
• Meet with your assistants to give them a few more details for the week.
• Brush up on the Bible story in advance, and use the daily Bible Point often as you teach.
• Oversee your 6-10 assistants to make sure they know what’s expected and are able to help!
• Help kids have a great time as you lead four rotations each day.
• Oversee the clean up of your area
• Encourage, help, and pray for your assistants 
Imagination Station Assistant
Here’s the fun stuff you’ll do!
• Start your adventure at a special team training meeting.
• Meet with the Imagination Station Leader to become familiar with the activities for the week.
• Help set up activities
• Help kids have a great time as you help in four rotations each day.
• Encourage, help, and pray for your leader 
Games Leader
Here’s the fun stuff you’ll do!
• Start your adventure at a special team training meeting.
• Check out all the awesome game options in the Games Leader Pack—every game should have a connection to the day’s Bible story or the Bible point.
• Collect all the listed supplies for the games you plan to lead.
• Meet with your assistants to give them a few more details for the week.
• Oversee your 1-2 assistants to make sure they know what’s expected and are able to help!
• Lead Crews in the fun at four rotations of Games each day.
• Encourage cooperation, not competition!  We want kids to know about the love of God, not feel discouraged every time they lose a game.
• Use the daily Bible Point often, and hear kids shout an enthusiastic response!
• Oversee the clean up of your area
• Encourage, help, and pray for your assistants 
Games Assistant
Here’s the fun stuff you’ll do!
• Start your adventure at a special team training meeting.
• Meet with the Games Leader so you have a few more details for the week. 
• Assist the Games Leader in the fun at four rotations of Games each day.
• Help set up or refill supplies for each game.  
• Encourage cooperation, not competition!  We want kids to know about the love of God, not feel discouraged.
• Encourage, help, and pray for your leader 
Here’s the fun stuff you’ll do!
• Start your adventure at a special team training meeting.
• Use the helpful Leader Pack to gather all the food and kitchen supplies for the yummy, creative snacks.
• Set up the snack preparation area, and guide assistants as they make the snacks each day
• Be ready to explain how the snack ties in with the day’s Bible passage or Bible Point.
• Recruit a group to help set up the snack tables as each rotation passes through and clean up after snacks are served each night.
• Oversee the clean up of your area
• Encourage, help, and pray for your assistants 
Snacks Assistant
Here’s the fun stuff you’ll do!
• Start your adventure at a special team training meeting.
• Help pass out snack to each rotation and clean up after snacks are served each night.
• Encourage, help, and pray for your leader 
Sticky Scripture Leader & Assistant
Here’s the fun stuff you’ll do!
• Start your adventure at a special team training meeting.
• Decorate with provided materials and set up your Station for each day according to the manual
• Put on your "techie hat" and set up a TV and DVD player to show the special DVD at 4 sessions of Sticky Scripture each day.
• Open the Bible with kids each day and help them discover the daily Bible verse.
• Become familiar with the helpful material in the Sticky Scripture Leader Manual!
• Use the daily Bible Point often as you guide Crews in thought-provoking experiences and heart-touching discussions.
Gospel Guide
Here’s the fun stuff you’ll do!
• Start your adventure at a special team training meeting.
• Pray, pray, pray for the Bible leaders and kids who will hear the Bible stories
• Study how to present the Gospel to a child
• Be available during each Bible station rotation to answer questions kids may have about the Gospel and possibly lead a child in praying to receive Christ as their Savior
• Be prepared to share the Gospel yourself
• Give follow-up information to the Director
• Encourage, help, and pray for the Bible leaders 
Bible Adventure Leader
Here’s the fun stuff you’ll do!
• Start your adventure at a special team training meeting.
• Be ready to help children experience the Bible story of the day through incredible and fun interactive learning activities that really make the Bible passages come alive, in four rotations each day.Become familiar with the Bible Adventure experience and the helpful material in the Leader Pack.
• Decorate according to the manual with provided materials and set up your Bible Station for each day
• Gather any needed supplies for each day. (Much of what you need will be collected for you, just make sure you have what you need the week before.)
• Recruit one or two assistants to help with your needs.
• Meet with your assistants to give them a few more details for the week.
• Be ready to help children experience the Bible story of the day through incredible and fun interactive learning activities that really make the Bible passages come alive, in four rotations each day.
• Oversee your 1-2 assistants to make sure they know what’s expected and are able to help!
• Use the daily Bible Point often
• Oversee the clean up of your area
• Encourage, help, and pray for your assistants 

Bible Assistant
Here’s the fun stuff you’ll do!
• Start your adventure at a special team training meeting.
• Meet with the Bible Leader to become familiar with the Bible Adventures.
• Help set up your Bible Adventures area.
• Help lead children through incredible and fun interactive learning activities that really make the Bible passages come alive, in four rotations of Bible Adventures each day.
• Encourage, help, and pray for your leader 
Missions Leader
Here’s the fun stuff you’ll do!
• Start your adventure at a special team training meeting.
• Become familiar with the helpful material in the Leader Pack.
• Work with the Director to choose a story and project as needed.
• Use decorating helps to set up your Missions area.
• Be ready to lead children through incredible stories that really make Missions come alive, in four rotations each day.
• Be ready to guide Crews in thought-provoking experiences and heart-touching discussions.
• Be prepared to share the mission’s project and help the kids and leaders connect to it.
• Receive and count money daily to help keep track of the missions project total.
• Recruit one or two assistants to help with your needs.
• Meet with your assistants to give them a few more details for the week.
• Oversee your 1-2 assistants to make sure they know what’s expected and are able to help!
• Use the Bible Point often.
• Oversee the clean up of your area
• Encourage, help, and pray for your assistants 
Registration Leader
Here’s the fun stuff you’ll do!
• Start your adventure at a special team training meeting.
• Work closely with the Director to set up registration, solidify the process, and track registration counts.
• Assign all pre-registered kids to crews.
• Work with your team to make sure everyone knows their job before the first night.
• Greet families with a warm smile.
• Oversee the registration process and put out any fires.
• Oversee your 8-10 assistants to make sure they know what’s expected and are able to help!
• After check in, straighten up, tally numbers for station leaders, and check in with the Director to complete any other tasks needed.           
• Oversee the clean up of your area
• Encourage help and pray for your assistants 
Registration Assistant
Here’s the fun stuff you’ll do!
• Start your adventure at a special team training meeting.
• Greet families with a warm smile.
• Check kids into their appropriate crews.
• After check in, help straighten up, tally numbers, and direct latecomers as needed.
• Encourage, help, and pray for your leader 
Sing & Play Leader
Here’s the fun stuff you’ll do!
• Start your adventure at a special team training meeting.
• Become familiar with the helpful material in the Sing & Play Leader Pack.
• Be prepared to perform the dramas necessary and recruit an animated side-kick!
• Learn the terrific songs and motions so you can lead kids in several songs each day.
• Work with the AV Tech to make sure you’re ready to roll!
• Meet with the assistants and coordinate practice times, props, and other details.
• Brush up on the Bible story in advance, and use the daily Bible Point often during the opening activities.
• Share the excitement as kids report their daily God Sightings.
• Participate in leading songs at the Wrap-Up program each day.
• Oversee your 4-8 assistants to make sure they know what’s expected and are able to help!
• Be a go-to person for the Director when extra help is needed.
• Oversee the clean up of your area
• Encourage, help, and pray for your assistants 
Sing & Play Assistant
Here’s the fun stuff you’ll do!
• Start your adventure at a special team training meeting.
• Meet with the Leader to become familiar with the Sing & Play Time materials.
• Singing Assistants learn the terrific songs and motions so you can lead help kids in several songs each day.
• Drama Assistants memorize lines and practice with the Sing & Play Leader.
• Share the excitement and help with crowd control on stage.
• Participate in leading songs at the Wrap-Up program each day.
• Be a go-to person for the Sing & Play Leader when extra help is needed.
• Encourage, help, and pray for your leader 
AV Tech
Here’s the fun stuff you’ll do!
• Start your adventure at a special team training meeting.
• Meet with the Leader to become familiar with the Sing & Play Time materials.
• Run microphones, dvds, sound, computers, and lights for all who are meeting in the auditorium
• Work closely with the Sing & Play Leader for lineups, and other sound and lighting needs.
• Work with the photographer to show daily photography footage of kids
• Keep area secure
• Arrive early to set up and run sound checks, and close up everything after the night has ended
• Encourage, help, and pray for your leader 
• Go around with crews and take pictures of all the fun without being a distraction.
• If possible, create a daily presentation to run on the screens as students arrive and after the finale.
• Work with the Director to make sure everything that needs to be photographed is photographed.
• Get all the pictures to the Director as soon as possible.
Preschool Director
Here’s the fun stuff you’ll do!
• Start your adventure at a special team training meeting.
• Use the helpful Preschool Director Manual to plan the Preschool program.
• Work with the Summer Night Camp Director to get prepared for the preschoolers registered and to organize preschool activities.
• Help recruit and lead a wonderful team of Preschool Assistants.
• Lead an enthusiastic team of assistants who will guide preschoolers in fun Bible-learning activities.
• Work with current Station Leaders or set up your own rotation activities so preschoolers participate in all stations.
• Oversee your 2-6 assistants to make sure they know what’s expected and are able to help!
• Be available each day to oversee activities, encourage kids and volunteers, and pitch in where needed to help preschoolers learn about God!
• Oversee the clean up of your area
• Encourage, help, and pray for your assistants 
Preschool Assistant
Here’s the fun stuff you’ll do!
• Start your adventure at a special team training meeting.
• Be a friend and helper to the kids and the Preschool Leader
• Help children complete activities
• Get down on the floor to interact with children
• Encourage kids
• Support Preschool Leader by helping with whatever tasks are needed
• Encourage, help, and pray for your leader 
Pre-Camp Activities Coordinator
Here’s the fun stuff you’ll do!
• Start your adventure at a special team training meeting.
• Become familiar with the Camp Overview that includes the daily Bible points and verses.
• Work with Director to plan activities daily for early arrivals.
• Collect all supplies for your activities.
• Help kids have a great time participating in activities and creating one-of-a-kind crafts.
• Oversee the clean up of your area
• Encourage, help, and pray for your leader 
Anywhere I’m Needed
Here’s the fun stuff you’ll do!
• Start your adventure at a special team training meeting.
• Be prepared to help, well, anywhere needed! By far we need more Crew Leaders than anything else. If there are restrictions to where you are able to serve, let us know right away!
• Encourage, help, and pray for your leader 


Please note: ALL VOLUNTEERS must be members or regular attendees of Valley Bible Church and are required to complete the volunteer certification process (application, livescan background check, and interview).