Previous recordings of full Sunday services. The most recent services are below, but you may also search for specific sermons not shown here. Search by speaker, title, verse. You may also visit our YouTube Channel for access to both 9am & 11am services and special events, such as Good Friday and Christmas Eve!
You Can't Ignore the Elephant Forever
March 14, 2021
Series: Contrast and Controversy
Passage: John 10:31-42
Our Spiritual Safety Is His Priority
March 7, 2021
Series: Contrast and Controversy
Passage: John 10:22–30
Love Is a Poetic and Painful Pursuit
February 28, 2021
Series: Contrast and Controversy
Passage: John 10:11–21
Listening Leads to Life
February 21, 2021
Series: Contrast and Controversy
Passage: John 10:1–10
Pride Is Worse Than Blindness
February 14, 2021
Series: Contrast and Controversy
Passage: John 9:35-41