Previous recordings of full Sunday services. The most recent services are below, but you may also search for specific sermons not shown here. Search by speaker, title, verse. You may also visit our YouTube Channel for access to both 9am & 11am services and special events, such as Good Friday and Christmas Eve! 

Our Hearts Keep Us from Hearing

Pastor Paul Crandell

September 6, 2020

Series: Miraculous Conflict
Passages: John 5:31-46; Hebrews 3:12-14


Jesus Is Crucial, Not Just Controversial

Pastor Paul Crandell

August 30, 2020

Series: Miraculous Conflict
Passages: John 5:16-30, 3:36, 6:20


Sin Is Self-Destructive

Pastor Paul Crandell

August 23, 2020

Series: Miraculous Conflict
Passages: John 5:1-15, 3:19-20; Philippians 3:9; Proverbs 14:12


Seeing Is Not Believing

Pastor Larry Howard

August 16, 2020

Series: The Revolutionary
Passages: John 4:43-54


Don't Miss the Moment for a Meal

Pastor Paul Crandell

August 9, 2020

Series: The Revolutionary
Passages: John 4:27-42, 1:46, 3:29



Don't Miss the Forest for the Trees

Pastor Paul Crandell

August 2, 2020

Series: The Revolutionary
Passages: John 4:1-26, 2 Kings 17:33, Jeremiah 2:13


The Best Man Has the Best Joy

Pastor Paul Crandell

July 26, 2020

Series: The Revolutionary
Passages: John 3:22-36, 1:26-34, 19:11, Hosea 2:16-20, John 1:35-37, 1:11-12


Cancellations Don't Inspire Revolutions

Pastor Matthew Nicosia

July 19, 2020

Series: The Revolutionary
Passages: John 3:16-21


Resumes Are Terrible Bandaids

Pastor Paul Crandell

July 12, 2020

Series: The Revolutionary
Passages: John 3:1-15, 8:37-47; Ezekiel 36:25-27


The Father Requires a Clean Temple

Pastor Larry Howard

July 5, 2020

Series: The Revolutionary
Passage: John 2:13-25
