Sometimes We Need Chaos to See Jesus More Clearly
September 20, 2020
Series: Miraculous Conflict
Passages: John 6:16-21; Job 9:5-8; Psalm 107:23-27
Jesus Is Not Our Candidate, But Our King
September 13, 2020
Series: Miraculous Conflict
Passages: John 6:1-15
Our Hearts Keep Us from Hearing
September 6, 2020
Series: Miraculous Conflict
Passages: John 5:31-46; Hebrews 3:12-14
Jesus Is Crucial, Not Just Controversial
August 30, 2020
Series: Miraculous Conflict
Passages: John 5:16-30, 3:36, 6:20
Sin Is Self-Destructive
August 23, 2020
Series: Miraculous Conflict
Passages: John 5:1-15, 3:19-20; Philippians 3:9; Proverbs 14:12
Don't Miss the Moment for a Meal
August 9, 2020
Series: The Revolutionary
Passages: John 4:27-42, 1:46, 3:29
Don't Miss the Forest for the Trees
August 2, 2020
Series: The Revolutionary
Passages: John 4:1-26, 2 Kings 17:33, Jeremiah 2:13
The Best Man Has the Best Joy
July 26, 2020
Series: The Revolutionary
Passages: John 3:22-36, 1:26-34, 19:11, Hosea 2:16-20, John 1:35-37, 1:11-12
Cancellations Don't Inspire Revolutions
July 19, 2020
Series: The Revolutionary
Passages: John 3:16-21