Previous recordings of full Sunday services. The most recent services are below, but you may also search for specific sermons not shown here. Search by speaker, title, verse. You may also visit our YouTube Channel for access to both 9am & 11am services and special events, such as Good Friday and Christmas Eve! 

Living a Life of Impact

Tim Vahlstrom - Elder/Lay Pastor of Small Groups

May 14, 2017

11am Service
Various Scriptures


What is the Bible? (Part 2)

Dr Phillip A. Howard

May 7, 2017

11am Service
Series: Foundational Truths
2 Timothy 3:16-17 


What is the Bible? (Part I)

Dr. Phillip A. Howard

April 30, 2017

11am Service
Series: Foundational Truths for Life
Various Scriptures


Where the Rubber Meets the Road in Reaching Your World

Matthew Nicosia

April 23, 2017

11am Service
Various Passages 


Surprised by Joy

Dr. Phillip A. Howard

April 16, 2017

11am Service
Mark 16:1-8, For further study: Matthew 28, Luke 24 and John 20



Gethsemane: The Hour of Testing

Dr. Phillip A. Howard

April 9, 2017

11am Service
Mark 14:27-42; 66-72 


Judas: A Man who got What He Wanted and Lost What He Had

Dr. Phillip A. Howard

April 2, 2017

11am Service
Mark 14:10-11, 17-21, 43-46
For further study: Matthew 27:3-10 


Mary: Devoted Love

Dr Phillip A. Howard

March 26, 2017

9am Service
Mark 14:1-9 


Courageous Conversations: Exploring Biblical Prejudice

Dr. Andre Sims

March 19, 2017

11am Service
Various Passages 


Imperatives for the Christian Believer Today

John Vatran - VBC Sponsored Missionary

March 12, 2017

11am Service
Matthew 28:16-20 
